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Practice Areas
Helping Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers.

VA Benefit Appeals
If your claim for VA disability benefits has been denied, your next step should be to hire one of our veterans attorneys. Unlike other law firms, we specialize in VA disability law to help veterans and their families.
Independent Medical Exams
Were you recently denied VA disability benefits due to an unfavorable medical exam? If so, our VA disability lawyers may recommend you get an independent medical exam (IME).
Surviving Spouses & Dependents
If you're the surviving spouse or dependent of a deceased veteran, you may be eligible for certain VA benefits. We understand that this is a difficult time for you, which is why we do everything we can to help you better understand your next steps.
Medical Opinions
Was your claim for VA disability benefits recently denied? If so, your first call should be to our lawyers for veterans benefits to learn if another medical opinion could help.
Other Claim Development
Was your claim for VA disability benefits wrongly denied? If so, we recommend filing an appeal with the help of one of our veteran disability lawyers. Our VA lawyers can also help if you were given a low disability rating that's not representative of your service-connected condition.
Matthew R. Cooper, Attorney at Law
We defend your rights.
We advocate on your behalf during the appellate process, and while we represent you, we will communicate with you to ensure you understand where your case stands. Most importantly, our veterans' benefit attorneys will ensure you develop the proper evidence to strengthen your veterans' benefit case and persuasively present that evidence.
At Cooper Law, our veterans' rights attorneys handle the following claims:
Individual Unemployability (IU)
Accrued Benefits
Pre-Filing Consultations
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Death Benefits - Dependency & Indemnity Compensation (DIC)
Agent Orange Claims (Vietnam, Thailand, etc.)
Vietnam, Blue Water Agent Orange Claims
Other Benefits
VA benefit claims must be handled in a specific way in order to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Our VA Disability Attorneys have experience with veterans' benefits and can help you navigate this long and complicated process.

Matthew R. Cooper

Matt is co-founder of the SCRA Foundation which directly implements the necessary actions for the SCRA to be effective in its mission and purpose of helping our Servicemembers and their families in their role of defending our Nation.
For more information, visit

Matt is founder of the Armed Forces Foundation which directly provides assistance to veterans.
For more information, visit USArmedForcesFoundation
Books by Matt Cooper